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École des Musiques Actuelles

Rebranding, Iconography, Signage & Motion Design

École des Musiques Actuelles


2022 - 2023


Music school


Integrated Brand Identity


Founded in 1983, the first school of music in French-speaking Switzerland that was neither classical nor jazz was initially dedicated to the study of rock music. Over the decades, its teaching expanded to all so-called "contemporary" music. Today, eMa has nearly 500 students and is preparing to move into a new dimension.


This visual identity is unique in that it revolves around a logo whose central part (the letter M of eMa) is presented in a multitude of typographies, reflecting the diversity of music taught at the school.

Like music, the particularity of this "multilogo" is that it appears in a different way each time, while still being clearly recognizable through its different variations, whether are fixed or animated.

Finally, among all the M that make up the central part of the logo, there is one that illustrates the transition between the old and new identity of eMa. The sound wave M is a reference to the history and roots of the school, while marking its evolution towards its new form.

École des Musiques Actuelles


«Des promesses et un résultat mirifiques!
Du haut niveau grâce aux membres de l'équipe qui se complètent. On sent une belle harmonie et une belle énergie positive.»

Laure Valentini, Communication & événements

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